Making sharing of HoriZZon content in Confluence easy and secure
The documentation below refers to the cloud version of Horizzon view for Confluence. The same features are available in the Server/Data Center version, with the same features but with slight visual variations.
HoriZZon View for Confluence is an app (plug-in) for Atlassian Confluence to streamline and secure the process of sharing content published in BiZZdesign's HoriZZon portal in Confluence. The primary advantages of the app are:
The HoriZZon View for Confluence app is available through the Atlassian Marketplace.
To get started go through the following content:In order to use the HoriZZon View app to share HoriZZon content you first need to configure the app. You will need administrator right in order to perform the needed configuration. However, before going to Confluence you will need to figure out your HoriZZon host FQDN. The easiest way to do this is to enable sharing in your HoriZZon instance and click the Share button in published view in a site made shareable in HoriZZon.
In the Share view popup click on the Confluence button in the Embedded view section.
The host FQDN will be visible in the url of the HTML-code (which has been highlighted in the above screenshot). Make a note of the host FQDN as you'll need in the next step.
Log into Confluence with a user that has administrator privileges and navigate to Confluence Administration. In the left hand side menu under Apps you will find a menu item called HoriZZon View Admin which leads to a configuration screen as shown above.
Insert the host FQDN (only the host name, any prefix like http:// or trailing / will not pass validation) you made a note of and press the Save button.
In the Share view popup click on the Confluence button in the Embedded view section.
The view key will be visible in the url of the HTML-code (which has been highlighted in the above screenshot). Make a note of the view key as you'll need in the next step.
In Confluence navigate to the page you wish to insert the shared view into. Press the Edit button to edit the page.
In editing mode move the cursor to the position where you want to add the HoriZZon view and click on Insert Elements / dropdaown and start typing in Horizzonview in the searchfield and select Horizzon view.
In the macro configuration view you now need to insert the view key you copied from the Share view on Confluence popup in HoriZZon. You can also configure the size of the view from the size dropdown as well as the aspect ratio from the aspect dropdown. The preview will update as you are configuring. Save your page.
Once you save your page the view will be rendered on the page. In order to enable reasonable navigation of the Confluence page any interactions (for instance scrolling or navigating to HoriZZon) with the view are disabled. However, interactions are available in the fullscreen view.
The fullscreen view can be activated by pressing the button in the upper right corner.
The fullscreen view can be interacted with (zoom and panning). The view can be closed by pressing the close button in the upper right corner or by pressing outside the fullscreen view.
In this example malicious html is injected to the view key parameter.